- Increasing your capacity to close more transactions.
- Allow us to assist in driving the transaction management process.
- Leverage our experienced team to broaden your existing in-house bench.
- Proactive asset management to maximize investment returns.
- Supplement your team to pursue new transactions and mitigate risk.
- Create risk monitoring procedures and reporting on an institutional level.
- Providing outsourced experienced resources that work closely with your team to maximize your time.
- Confidence in the values being presented and ensuring compliance (USPAP & FIRREA).
- Pass-through cost to the borrower.
The Summer Street Story
We help real estate investors structure deals and manage assets in ways that optimally advance their unique investment goals. Our principals possess the highest level of experience, range of skill and track record of disciplined due diligence and underwriting of any commercial real estate financial advisors. We thoroughly understand commercial real estate markets, operationally and financially. All this insight and expertise is laser-focused on each client’s specific goals.
Our Mission
At SSA, we believe in building long term relationships.
We value getting to know our clients, understanding the business, and anticipating their needs in order to provide custom solutions that consistently exceed expectation.
Our boutique advisory firm focuses on being a partner to our clients throughout all phases of their real estate journey.
Our Vision
The best solution starts with each client’s unique goals—not only yield and risk but also considerations such as investment time horizon, flexibility and speed of execution. We apply our wealth of experience, wide-ranging expertise and broad relationship network to craft solutions that advance those goals.
Our Clients and Partners