Commercial Real Estate Insights

Opportunity Funds May Supercharge After-Tax Yields, But Risks Remain
Opportunity Funds May Supercharge After-Tax Yields, But Risks Remain A new type federally qualified investment vehicle known as an opportunity fund allows individuals and entities facing capital gains taxes to defer and reduce their tax. [...]
Watch Out for Rising Bank Exposure to CRE
All the market indicators point to clear sailing for commercial real estate investment. What could possibly go wrong? Hopefully nothing, but the next couple of years will be a good time to closely watch government regulatory agencies for actions that could trigger a downturn. [...]

Summer Street Advisors (“SSA”) Raises $9.6M of Preferred Equity for Austin Apartment Development by North American Properties (“NAP”)
Westport, CT (June 26, 2018) – Summer Street Advisors LLC (SSA) is pleased to announce that our Capital Markets team, led by Andrew Murray, represented North American Properties (“NAP”) in raising $9.6 million of preferred equity capital.[...]